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Guidance on Promoting the Development of the Energy Electronic Industry (Exposure Draft)



Ministry of Industry and Information Technology


August 25, 2022

On August 25, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the Guidance on Promoting the Development of the Energy Electronic Industry (Exposure Draft) (the “Guidance”) proposed the comprehensive use of a variety of financial tools, and to explore new modes of social capital investment to help the development of the energy electronics industry.

The Guidance proposed that by 2025, the annual output value of the energy electronics industry reach 3 trillion yuan; by 2030, the industry clusters and ecosystems continue to improve, and also that 5G/6G, advanced computing, artificial intelligence, industrial internet and other new generation information technology be widely used in the energy sector.

The Guidance emphasized that further efforts should be made to promote the development of solar power, silicon-involving industries such as high purity silicon material production, hydrogen as well as coordinate upstream and downstream industrial development to avoid excess capacity and vicious competition. It is also necessary to speed up research and development in new types of batteries such as sodium-ion batteries, hydrogen energy storage and fuel cells, etc.

With the exception of some specific sectors, the Guidance also emphasized the importance of providing auxiliary measures to affiliate this nascent industry. For example, the establishment of national service platform and the specification of standards should be enhanced to help integrate various resources and regulate the energy electronics industry. Meanwhile, the local authorities shall intensify the coordination with the central government, putting forward more favorable policies and providing some necessary financial support, including long-term industry funds.


