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China and Brazil Cooperate to Improve the Level of Agricultural Mechanization



People’s Daily Online


September 9, 2022

A memorandum of understanding (the “MOU”) was signed via a video-conference held on the 8th of September between the Northeast Consortium (Brazil), the International Institute of Agricultural Equipment and Intelligent Agricultural Innovation of China Agricultural University, the China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and the International Association for People’s Cooperation.

The signing of the MOU strengthens the exchange between China and Brazil in agriculture and increases the level of agricultural mechanization in Brazil. Parties hope that under the framework of the MOU, the cooperation and exchange between the two sides in the field of agricultural mechanization and agricultural energy in scientific research, technology promotion, experimental demonstration, education and training, agricultural machinery trade, etc., will begin a new era of cooperation between China and Brazil and even China and Latin America in agricultural mechanization and agricultural machinery industry, and jointly promote the technological progress of agricultural machinery and the upgrading of agricultural mechanization in China and Brazil. Additionally, this may also contribute to food security, human peace and the sustainable development of Brazil, other Latin American countries and other developing countries.


