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China and Indonesia Strengthen Cooperation on E-commerce



Ministry of Commerce, People’s Republic of China Online


September 8, 2023


On September 8, China’s Minister of Commerce and Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia on E-Commerce Cooperation (the “MOU”) in Jakarta.


China and Indonesia are important economic and trading partners. The two countries have broad prospects for cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. Before signing the MOU with Indonesia, China had established bilateral e-commerce cooperation mechanisms with approximately 30 countries.


By signing the MOU, China and Indonesia are aiming to jointly inject new impetus into the bilateral economic and trade relations. Both sides agree to establish an e-commerce cooperation mechanism to strengthen policy communication and experience sharing, support e-commerce business cooperation across the entire industrial chain, conduct personnel training and joint research, improve trade and investment facilitation, and expand digital economy cooperation.


