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Chinese Foreign Cultural Trade Volume Exceeded USD 200 Billion For the First Time in 2021



July 21, 2022


On July 21, 2022, Yuting Shu, the spokesman of the Commerce Ministry of the People’s Republic of China, said that Chinese foreign cultural trade turnover exceeded USD 200 Billion in 2021 for the first time, with an increase of 38.7% year-on-year.

To seize the opportunity of the digital economy, approved by the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce and other 27 departments issued the “Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Foreign Cultural Trade” (the “Opinions”) collectively.

The Opinions put forward 28 specific tasks to optimize the structure of the foreign culture trade, support the expansion of the import and export of high-quality cultural products and services, encourage Chinese culture to ‘go global’, and promote the establishment of a high-standard institutional framework and policy system that conform to the trends of the digital era.

