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The 2022 Plan and 2023 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development



National Development and Reform Commission


March 5, 2023


The National Development and Reform Commission has been entrusted by the State Council to deliver this report on the implementation of the 2022 plan and on the 2023 draft plan for national economic and social development to the First Session of the 14th National People’ Congress (NPC) for its deliberation and approval. The Commission also invites comments from members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).


The report demonstrates the implementation of the 2022 National Economic and Social Development plan, focusing on seven columns: supply and price stability of important commodities, coordination mechanisms for effective investment in important projects, construction of major infrastructure, healthy development of digital economy, implementation of major regional strategies, coordinated reginal development strategies, and progress on peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality. Meanwhile, the report also points out the overarching requirements, major focuses and policy orientation of economic and social development of the year 2023.


