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Shanghai Government Intends to Make Shanghai a Globally Oriented Asia-Pacific Arbitration Center



The general office of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government


November 9, 2022


At the 4th Shanghai International Arbitration Summit, Measures to Support the Establishment of a Global Asia-Pacific Arbitration Centre to Enhance the Soft Power of the City recently made by the general office of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government (the “Measures”) was released.

The Measures explicitly support the expansion of the arbitration services from the Lin-gang Special Area to the whole of Shanghai, breaking through existing regional restrictions and enhancing the gravity of Shanghai in attracting renowned arbitration and dispute resolution institutions from abroad. The Measures will provide immigration convenience for arbitration-related personnel, financial and taxation support policies for relevant institutions and personnel, and payment and foreign exchange facilitation policies. In addition, the Measures will promote the construction of the Asia-Pacific International Arbitration Center built to create a one-stop, full-chain international dispute resolution platform.


