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White Paper on 5G Cybersecurity Standardization Released



National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee


May 10, 2021


On May 10, the White Paper on 5G Network Security Standardization (the “White Paper”) was officially released at the first “Meeting Week” of the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee working group in 2021.


The White Paper was jointly prepared by 15 enterprises and institutions, including China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd, China Electronics Standardization Institute, and China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.


The White Paper consists of seven chapters and three schedules. Based on extensive research into the development of 5G-related cybersecurity both in China and abroad, the White Paper aims to provide technical support for the safe application and development of 5G technology standardization. It analyzes the background of 5G network security-related policies, the current industrial development and key technical features, lists the security risks and standardization needs of 5G networks from the perspectives of management, technology and application, and proposes the framework of 5G network security standards and the next step of standard development.


