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China and European Union Cooperation on Geographical Indications Been Further Strengthened



China National Intellectual Property Administration


January 18, 2023


On January 18, 2023, China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) revealed that China and the European Union (EU) had continued to strengthen cooperation in geographical indications and had realized mutual recognition and protection for 244 products in total.


China - EU Agreement on geographical indications is the first comprehensive and high-level bilateral treaty. Recently, new progress has been made in the mutual recognition of the second batch of lists between both sides.


CNIPA has received 175 applications for the protection of geographical indications from the EU, covering 22 EU member states including Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Greece. The products are mainly classified into 5 major categories, namely wine, spirits, meat, dairy and olive oil, which account for the total number of the list. The European Commission has also accepted the applications for 175 geographical indications including Jinhua ham, Taiping Houkui tea, Luzhou Laojiao wine etc., with the product categories covering wine, condiments, tea, meat products, traditional Chinese medicines. It is predicted that the scale of mutual recognition and protection of geographical indications of China and the EU will steadily expand to about 550 by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan.

