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Catalogue of Encouraged Manufacturing Industries for Foreign Investment in Midwest Regions will be Expanded



State Council


June 9, 2022


On June 9, 2022, Premier Li Keqiang presided over a State Council executive meeting, decided on the policy steps to ensure stable performance in foreign trade and investment, and advance opening-up at a higher level.


The meeting also noted that the following support policies shall be further strengthened: (i) utilize working mechanisms for stabilizing foreign trade and investment and ensure smooth logistics at all levels to provide timely, coordinated solutions to difficulties facing foreign invested enterprises in resumption of full-capacity production and project construction. (ii) implement policy to process export tax rebates for good-faith enterprises within three working days; enhance efficiency of port loading, unloading shipment and customs clearance, and keep international industrial and supply chain stable. (iii) make proactive efforts to attract more inflows and foreign investment; expand catalogue of encouraged manufacturing industries for foreign investment in mid-west regions; roll out stronger policies to support cross-regional relocation and transfer of processing trade.


