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Opinions on Further Optimizing Environment for Foreign Investment and Increasing Efforts to Attract Foreign Investment



State Council


August 13, 2023


This opinion puts forward a total of 24 policy measures from 6 aspects: the quality of foreign investment, the treatment of foreign investment, the protection of foreign investment, the operation of foreign investment, financial and tax support, and the promotion of foreign investment.


At the same time, the opinions also put forward the requirements of optimizing the foreign investment environment and increasing the strength of attracting foreign investment to all regions, departments and related units. Various regions are encouraged to adopt supporting measures in light of local conditions and enhance policy synergy. The Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples’ Republic of China, in conjunction with relevant departments and institutions, will strengthen guidance and coordination, make good policy announcements, implement policies and measures in a timely manner, create a more optimized investment environment for foreign investors, and boost foreign investment confidence effectively.




《国务院关于进一步优化外商投资环境 加大吸引外商投资力度的意见》