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HOME > News > Transactions and Cases > AllBright Lawyer was Appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of Automated Systems Holdings Limited(00771.HK)

AllBright Lawyer was Appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of Automated Systems Holdings Limited(00771.HK)


AllBright Senior Partner Fang Ye has been appointed as an independent non-executive director of Automated Systems Holdings Limited(00771.HK, hereafter ‘ASL Group’). The appointment period lasts 3 years, starting from November 12th, 2015. In the meantime, ASL has appointed Lawyer Ye as a member of its Audit Committee and Compensation Committee.


Established in 1973, Automated Systems Holdings Limited was officially listed (00771.HK) in November 1997 based on its excellent performance. By December 31st, 2013, the income of ASL Group totaled up to 1,613,000,000HKD and its profit (net of income tax) reached 17,300,000 HKD. ASL Group has over forty years of experiences in system integration hitherto and has enjoyed high reputation as an IT service supplier.