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HOME > Global Network > Shanghai > Professionals > Pengcheng (P.C.) Feng

Pengcheng (P.C.) Feng

Senior Partner

Mr Feng specialises in commercial work especially in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, foreign direct investment, capital markets, and dispute resolution.

He has over 15 years experience practising in China. Prior to joining AllBright, he was a partner of Commerce & Finance Law Offices, worked for Blake Dawson International Law Firm as legal consultant and worked for Baosteel Group Corporation as its in-house lawyer, focusing on mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, foreign direct investment and dispute resolution.

His working languages are Mandarin and English.


  • Master of Laws – Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
  • Bachelor of Laws – Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
  • Bachelor of Business Administration – Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

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