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AllBright Hosts Property Finance & Legal Practices Forum in Chongqing


On October 24-25, 2013, AllBright organized the Property Finance & Legal Practices Forum in Chongqing, attracting 100 distinguished guests from the Chongqing Bar Association, Judicial Bureau of Yubei District, leading real estate developers, financial institutions and other corporate clients. AllBright’s Real Estate Committee members also participated in the forum.


AllBright partner James Guo presided over the forum, while AllBright partner Roy Luo delivered the welcoming speech. Renowned academics and lawyers delivered keynote speeches at the forum to discuss the latest developments and challenges of real estate finance in China and other related legal practices.


Professor Liu Jun, vice president of the Southwest University of Political Science & Law, delivered a keynote speech on China’s land reform from the perspective of the mechanism involved with using urban land in China. Professor Zhu Guohua from Tongji University talked about opportunities for China’s financial markets and legal services innovation against the backdrop of existing real estate bubbles in some areas, and also the “ghost city” phenomenon. Hong Kong-based Stevenson, Wong & Co. partner Willy Cheng briefed the audience on the legal practices in Hong Kong’s real estate sector. AllBright partner Li Yun offered an insightful analysis on the legal practice of insurance investment in China’s real estate sector targeting senior citizens. AllBright partner Li Guogang briefed the audience on real estate finance in the Yangtze River Delta. The speakers discussed a wide variety of issues on legal practices with respect to real estate finance, which was well received by the audience.


After the end of the forum, AllBright’s Real Estate Committee held its 2013 annual meeting to discuss issues including speeding up business integration, better management of legal documents, strengthening training programs and building up business development capabilities in order to further demonstrate AllBright’s leading position in serving the real estate and construction sector.