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AllBright Partner Appointed Suzhou Legislature Committee Member


On August 31, 2012, AllBright Suzhou Office partner Helen Zhou was appointed by the Standing Committee of the Suzhou People’s Congress, the city’s legislature, as a member of the education, science, culture and health committee under the Suzhou People’s Congress’ Standing Committee to contribute to society by sharing her rich experience and expertise in the legal profession. The committee, a sub-organization of Suzhou’s legislative body, reviews and revises development plans proposed by the Suzhou government on education, science & technology, culture, healthcare, population management and sports. The committee members hear the Suzhou government’s implementation of such plans and offer advice and suggestions on such issues. The committee also conducts surveys and investigations on how the government implements the Constitution, related laws, rules and regulations, and polices concerning such issues.

Ms. Zhou had already served on the committee for five years and had fulfilled her responsibilities with passion and professionalism.  Her second appointment to the role also showed the full recognition of the Suzhou People’s Congress of her high quality of service.