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HOME > News > Transactions and Cases > AllBright Held a Themed Forum for the 19th Shanghai International Film Festival

AllBright Held a Themed Forum for the 19th Shanghai International Film Festival


AllBright held a themed forum centering on “The Role of Chinese Completion Guarantee in the Guarantee System of Chinese Heavy Industry Films” on June 14,2016. International legal consultant and senior Associate Zhengchao Wang, senior partner Dr. Fang Ye, partner Jianjun Zheng, partner Hao Ling and other entertainment lawyers attended the forum.


The forum discussed how to establish a completion guarantee system in the age of Chinese heavy industry films and drew on the successful experiences of Hollywood for the purposes of protecting investors’ interests and escorting the development of the film industry. Partner Jianjun Zheng, a leading entertainment attorney delivered a speech. Based on his experiences in the field, he said that he could feel the development of the entertainment industry and the enhancement of people’s capability to identify and control risk. He put forward that the whole entertainment industry was undergoing rapid development and that there was growing awareness of risk control; and in order to maintain a more stable level of development of the industry, various methods of risk control should be introduced in China.


There were some other sponsors of the forum, including Ping An Insurance Company of China and Beijing SkyFilm Ltd.. The co-sponsor was Kirin Media Ventures, US. Other Guests attending the forum included Mr. Sijie Ding, (the leader of the completion guarantee project of Ping An Insurance Company), Mr. Wei Lu (the producer of ‘Monkey King: Hero is back’ and the founder of Beijing SkyFilm Ltd.), Mr. Jeff Chao and Mr. Justin Begnaud ( partners of Kirin Media Ventures and very experienced  investors and producers in Hollywood), Mr. Qian Yang ( the representative of East West Bank and the vice general manager of Golden Eagle Broadcasting System), Mr. Wenwubei Zhou (a famous director), and Mr. Daoseng Zheng( the founder of Entertainment Capital).