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HOME > News > Transactions and Cases > Lawyers of Allbright Law Office provided Full-scope Legal Service for Acquisition of Lorange Institute founded by CEIBS

Lawyers of Allbright Law Office provided Full-scope Legal Service for Acquisition of Lorange Institute founded by CEIBS


October 16, 2015. Shanghai/Zurich – CEIBS announced the Acquisition of Lorange Institute Gives Chinese School Access to Europe. It is the Milestone in school’s internationalization strategy, also it has set an example in connection with offshore merger and acquisition for domestic Business schools.

Base on the arrangement of acquisition, The Lorange Institute of Business Zurich’s (LIBZ) business school operations have been bought by a non-profit organization registered in Switzerland, the Friends of CEIBS Foundation (FCF). The FCF was founded through generous donations by Professor Pedro Nueno (CEIBS European President), Professor Ding Yuan (CEIBS Vice President and Dean), and members of the CEIBS community. FCF trustee board members will consist of some members of the CEIBS board, faculty and influential alumni.

As legal counsel of CEIBS, the team is composed of Partner Lawrence Zhu Calvin Lee, and Associate Stella Zhong of Shanghai Allbright Law Offices, entrusted by CEIBS, has provided full-scope legal service for the purpose of the compliance with Chinese law in the process of establishing, operating the LIBZ business school.