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IBA Global Influencer Session——Update on Belt & Road Development and Foreign Investment Law of PRC


Sponsored by AllBright Law Offices  altogether with IBA 2020 – Virtually Together Conference

Title of webinar: Update on Belt & Road Development and Foreign Investment Law of PRC


Date and time: Wednesday 18 November 2020 | 0300 - 0400 EST (GMT-5) | 0800 - 0900 GMT | 1700 - 1800 JST (GMT+9) |


Description: On this IBA Webinar, lawyers from AllBright gave update on recent Belt & Road developments, including supportive policy issued by Chinese government for making investment along the Belt & Road countries, risks brought by the COVID-19 to Belt & Road investment and the opportunities brought to cross-border dispute resolution lawyers. The new Foreign Investment Law of China took effect on January 1, 2020. The new law together with China’s current Company Law significantly changed the landscape of foreign investment regulation in China. How are all the foreign investment entities going to cope with these changes? AllBright lawyers shared their experience.


Moderator: Ms. Sharon SHI, Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices, China


Mr. Carl LI, Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices, China

PRC Foreign Investment Law and New FDI Opportunities in China


Ms. Charlene ZHU, Legal Consultant, AllBright Law Offices, China

Case Sharing: from a US Case to Compliance Issues in China


Mr. Wenhao CHEN, Partner, AllBright Law Offices, China

Belt and Road Initiative, Opportunities and Challenges