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AllBright Lawyers Deliver Lecture at Training Program in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone


On the afternoon of June 12, 2014, an 80-member delegation of Shandong officials from legal affairs, universities and state-owned enterprises visited the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone to learn advanced practices in the FTZ through a Shandong government-organized training program for senior officials.

AllBright partner Amy Ye presided over the training session. While AllBright partner Zheng Jianjun and AllBright Qingdao office director Wang Yu shared their knowledge on the FTZ with the delegation. Other speakers at the training program included officials from the FTZ committee and the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Arbitration Court.

The lecturers focused on topics including Interpretation of FTZ Policy, FTZ Arbitration Rules, and Opportunities for Shandong Companies in the FTZ. The lectures were well received by the participants.