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首页 > 新闻资讯 > 锦天城动态 > 锦天城高级合伙人陈克律师撰写书籍《Labour Law in China》第三版发行

锦天城高级合伙人陈克律师撰写书籍《Labour Law in China》第三版发行

[摘要]2022年5月,荷兰的Wolters Kluwer出版社出版了陈克律师1990年代在欧洲写作的《Labour Law in China》(中国劳动法)更新版第三版。

2022年5月,荷兰的Wolters Kluwer出版社出版了陈克律师1990年代在欧洲写作的《Labour Law in China》(中国劳动法)更新版第三版。陈克律师早年曾在日内瓦的国际劳工组织(ILO)短期工作过,并受该机构的推荐,他着重跟踪和报道了1994年中国劳动法的颁布与实施。该书第一版曾在1997年出版时受到了中国和欧洲法学界及律师界的关注。由于陈克律师长期从事国际并购方面的实务工作,因此该书也涉及从1994年至2021年关于劳动法事务在跨国交易背景项下的不可动摇的合规性问题,例如有关中国已加入的国际劳工组织公约方面的约束力问题、中国劳动法强制性的合规性问题以及最近中国民法典对劳动法规范的有关发展等话题。该书不仅涉及了个人劳动法律关系的适用,也讨论了集体劳动合同的法律关系等事宜。



Table Of Contents

The Author

List of Abbreviations

General Introduction

Chapter 1. General Background

Chapter 2. Definitions and Concepts

Chapter 3. The Historical Background

Chapter 4. Role of the Government and the Social Partners in the Shaping and Administration of Labour Law and Industrial Relations

Chapter 5. Sources of Labour Law

Part I. The Individual Employment Relationship

Chapter 1. Definitions and Concepts

Chapter 2. Duties of the Parties During Employment

Chapter 3. Working Time and Leave, Sunday Rest, Annual Vacation, Holidays, Educational Leave

Chapter 4. Remuneration

Chapter 5. Job Security

Chapter 6. The Termination of the Individual Labour Contract

Chapter 7. Special Protection of Certain Categories of Workers, Protection Against Discrimination in Employment

Chapter 8. Covenants of Non-competition; Inventions by Employees

Chapter 9. Settlement of Labour Disputes

Part II. Collective Labour Relations

Chapter 1. Trade Union Freedom

Chapter 2. The Trade Unions and Employers’ Associations

Chapter 3. Collective Bargaining

Chapter 4. Settlement of Disputes Arising in Collective Agreements

Selected Bibliography


Labour Law in China, Third Edition | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory