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HOME > News > AllBright News > Publication of the third edition of the Labor Law in China written by Dr. Ke Chen, Senior Partner of AllBright Law Offices

Publication of the third edition of the Labor Law in China written by Dr. Ke Chen, Senior Partner of AllBright Law Offices


In May 2022, Wolters Kluwer published the third edition of the book Labor Law in China. In1990s, Dr. Chen had worked for the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Geneva which encouraged him to follow up and report on the enactment and implementation of the Chinese Labor Act in 1994. The first edition of the book was published in 1997, receiving attention from Chinese and European academics and practitioners. Derived from his long-term practice in international mergers and acquisitions, the author has addressed the unshakable labor compliance issues in the context of cross-border transactions. The book elaborated legal effect of ILO conventions which China recognized, mandatory compliance of the labor norms, and recent developments of positive law in respect of labor-related norms due to the promulgation of the Chinese Civil Code. The book covers not only the application of the individual employment relationship, but also collective labor contracts. It further analysed the binding effect of the collective labor contracts on individual labor contracts.


The cover and contents of the book can be found below.




Table Of Contents


The Author

List of Abbreviations


General Introduction

Chapter 1. General Background

Chapter 2. Definitions and Concepts

Chapter 3. The Historical Background

Chapter 4. Role of the Government and the Social Partners in the Shaping and Administration of Labour Law and Industrial Relations

Chapter 5. Sources of Labour Law


Part I. The Individual Employment Relationship

Chapter 1. Definitions and Concepts

Chapter 2. Duties of the Parties During Employment

Chapter 3. Working Time and Leave, Sunday Rest, Annual Vacation, Holidays, Educational Leave

Chapter 4. Remuneration

Chapter 5. Job Security

Chapter 6. The Termination of the Individual Labour Contract

Chapter 7. Special Protection of Certain Categories of Workers, Protection Against Discrimination in Employment

Chapter 8. Covenants of Non-competition; Inventions by Employees

Chapter 9. Settlement of Labour Disputes


Part II. Collective Labour Relations

Chapter 1. Trade Union Freedom

Chapter 2. The Trade Unions and Employers’ Associations

Chapter 3. Collective Bargaining

Chapter 4. Settlement of Disputes Arising in Collective Agreements

Selected Bibliography
