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AllBright Wins Bid to Advise Venture Capital Guiding Fund of Shanghai


AllBright has successfully won the bid to become the cooperative legal firm for the venture capital fund and integrated circuit fund under the Venture Capital Guiding Fund of Shanghai, which is managed by Shanghai Venture Capital Co., Ltd.

Venture Capital Guiding Fund of Shanghai is a policy fund set up by the Shanghai Municipal Government and operated in accordance with market rules. Shanghai Venture Capital Co. acts as the management house for the fund. The company sets up an innovative investment and financing platform, or the first fund of fund in China that is operated under the system of “government guidance, operated in accordance with market economy rules, and government and involved parties sharing interest and risks.” The company launched and invested in a number of national-level venture capital funds jointly set up by the Shanghai Municipal Government, National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance to invest in the sectors of bio-pharmaceuticals, new materials, new energy, software and information services, and integrated circuits.

AllBright partner Stone Shi will lead the AllBright team to provide legal services to the venture capital fund and integrated circuit fund partly invested in by the Venture Capital Guiding Fund of Shanghai. The services include project due diligence investigation, project transaction structure design, legal document drafting and reviewing, project risk control and other legal services.