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ABL advise SPAC between SDA & GBRG


ABL Lawyers advise a SPAC deal between SunCar Technology Group Inc. and Goldenbridge Acquisition Limited.

On May 17, 2023, SunCar Technology Group Inc (the “Company”), represented by ABL Lawyers, completed its merger with Goldenbridge Acquisition Limited and commenced trading on the Nasdaq Exchange (“Nasdaq”) in the United States under the ticker symbol “SDA”.

The Company is a leading provider of digitalized enterprise automotive after-sales services and online auto insurance intermediation service.

The AllBright legal team, Senior Partner Kevin Sun, Frank XuJoy Huang, associate Lucia Lu and Ken Lin served as the legal counsels to the Company on its de-SPAC deal and advised on PRC legal matters.

The AllBright legal team, Senior Partner Victor Wu, associate Yundong LiuBinyin Zhao andHan Cui provided legal services on network security and data compliance of this project.