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HOME > News > Transactions and Cases > AllBright stops the 1st anti-subsidy investigation by Turkey against China and escorts for Chinese steel enterprises abroad

AllBright stops the 1st anti-subsidy investigation by Turkey against China and escorts for Chinese steel enterprises abroad


October 28, 2016, AllBright Beijing Branch received notice that the Ministry of Economics of Turkey had terminated the anti-subsidy investigation on seamless steel tube of China, which means this one and a half year anti-subsidy investigation had come to nothing and AllBright once again clears the obstacles in the export trade of Chinese steel enterprises.

On May 15, 2015, the Ministry of Economics of Turkey officially initiated the anti-subsidy investigation on the seamless steel tube of China, which is the first anti-subsidy investigation against Chinese products by Turkey and attracted high attention of MOFCOM, as previously Turkey had collected taxes in the anti-subsidy investigation against India. MOFCOM engaged partner XIANG Dong and assistant LI Ling of FU Donghui team of AllBright Beijing Branch to deal with such investigation, conduct negotiation and submit plea on behalf of the Chinese Government. Considering the characteristics of the anti-subsidy project of Turkey, AllBright lawyers took the initiative to submit plea at the beginning of the case and appealed to the Turkey that Turkey and China were both developing countries and we should emphasis on development and cooperation between the two countries. In the end, the Ministry of Economics of Turkey terminated the investigation of this case.

China is the WTO member who has received most anti-subsidy investigations in the past few years, but such anti-subsidy investigations were mostly initiated by developed member countries. This anti-subsidy investigation by Turkey means more and more developing countries are taking anti-subsidy measure as trade barrier against China. Our victory stops Turkey from popping out anti-subsidy investigation against China, which may also be used for reference when coping with the anti-subsidy measures by other countries in the future.