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AllBright Organizes “Legal Services to Financial Institutions Forum”


On July 12, 2013, AllBright hosted “Legal Services to Financial Institutions Forum” at the invitation of the Sino-Global Legal Alliance (SGLA) in Shanghai amid the alliance's nationwide lecturing tour. SGLA members participating in the fourm included PwC, Shenyin & Wanguo Securities.

AllBright Partner Lawrence Zhu, also vice chairman of the SGLA executive committee, delivered a keynote speech at the event and won applauds from participants with his insightful and in-depth speech. Mr. Zhu is a veteran lawyer serving the financial industry.

The SGLA, established in September 2007, is the first transnational legal alliance in China. It consists of Hogan Lovells and 14 top-tier PRC firms including AllBright. With over 2,600 lawyers, who are internationally or domestically certified, working for its member firms, SGLA is a unique platform that can supply comprehensive international and domestic legal services across China.